Behind The Scenes

January 14, 2011 · Behind The Scenes

Hot Campaigns: Roller Derby!

Do you love roller derby? We've got two smokin' hot roller derby-related projects seeking funding this week. This is How I Roll is a documentary about an all-male roller derby league trying to gain acceptance and support in a sport dominated by females. Hellbent Helmets… read more

January 7, 2011 · Behind The Scenes

Three Campaigns We Love This Week

As we always say, one of the great things about IndieGoGo is that anyone can use our site to raise money for any idea, project, cause or passion. These three campaigns showcase the broad range of people using IndieGoGo. The one thing they have in… read more

December 24, 2010 · Behind The Scenes

Cool Designs: Phone Flask

Ever wonder how the stroke-of-genius products you see in the Sky Mall catalog actually get thought up and made? They start with a smart design(er), an illustration, and then, if there's enough financial backing, a prototype that gets shopped out to product manufacturers who then… read more

December 21, 2010 · Behind The Scenes

Top 12 Film Campaigns of 2012

The film finance market is notorious for favoring blockbusters and commercial potential in place of smaller, less-known productions. Crowdfunding has presented an unprecedented opportunity for independent filmmakers — whether in features, shorts, documentaries, web series, and beyond — to not only raise funds for their… read more

December 3, 2010 · Behind The Scenes

Raising Money for Professional Atheletes?

When something happens twice, then it’s a trend, right? For the second time in as many months, fans have turned to IndieGoGo to raise funds for professional athletes. It sounds crazy, raising money for professional football players who probably don’t really need the money, but… read more

November 26, 2010 · Behind The Scenes

Giving Season: Some Causes to Get Behind

Fifty students are traveling to New Orleans to help rebuild after Katrina. One thing I love about IndieGoGo: it's a great place to browse for campaigns that support causes I care about. And sometimes causes I wasn't aware of to begin with, but learn about… read more

November 19, 2010 · Behind The Scenes

Pop Culture Documentaries

One thing I love about documentaries: they have the ability to transport you to a time and place you would otherwise never hear about. And some of my favorite documentaries dive deep into the history behind niche pop culture movements. Take for example 100 Yen… read more

November 5, 2010 · Behind The Scenes

Using IndieGoGo to Fund Major Life Events

Lauren Lemon is using IndieGoGo to recoup after $7000 worth of photography equipment was stolen from her apartment.   We talk a lot about creative and cause-driven campaigns here, but what about using IndieGoGo to help fund something else altogether? These creative and talented people… read more