Behind The Scenes

April 21, 2011 · Behind The Scenes

Campaign Profiles: Helping Kids Globally

These two projects are different in subject, but they're both doing important work to change the lives of children around the globe by highlighting their struggles and working to make a difference. The Young Lions Global Art Project is run by Art Relief International, and… read more

March 31, 2011 · Behind The Scenes

Campaign Profiles: Adopted ID

This campaign is in its last several hours of funding today (and has reached and surpassed its $6,000 goal!). But we think this story is pretty fascinating and wanted to share it. Judith Craig was found in a ditch in Haiti just after her birth.… read more

March 24, 2011 · Behind The Scenes

Campaign Profiles: Crowdfunding Pay it Forward

We have to admit, we really like this idea.  Canadian filmmakers Michael Babiarz and Soren Johnstone spent the last several years making, editing, and marketing their last film, Play With Fire. At that time, they explain in their current pitch video, there was no such… read more

March 3, 2011 · Behind The Scenes

Campaign Profiles: Overcoming Cancer

Gloria, a mother of four, who is currently receiving treatment for bone cancer. Check out some of the unique and amazing ways campaign owners are using IndieGoGo to fight cancer and help others overcome the disease and its financial burden. CANCER SUX and Gloria is… read more

February 24, 2011 · Behind The Scenes

3 Campaigns SXSW-bound

Three campaigns this week are raising funds to get to the South by Southwest music and media conference in Austin next month. Check them out: Help Vertigo Venus get on TV and get to SXSW! Synth-punk band Vertigo Venus is a completely independent band (no… read more

February 17, 2011 · Behind The Scenes

Hot Campaigns: Cosplayers and Puppeteers

We wrote a while ago about pop culture documentaries that exhibit a niche silce of life many of us might not otherwise get to experience. On IndieGoGo this week I've unearthed a pair of campaigns that again do just that. My Other Me: A Film… read more

February 10, 2011 · Behind The Scenes

3 Neat-o Campaigns This Week

Art Postcard Subscription What it is: Benjamin Clarkson is a Canadian illustrator starting an art subscription service with limited edition prints. Why we like it: Art by mail? Instantly you're in the forefront of culture. Plus, look at that postcard! Fun fact: Benjamin says this… read more

February 3, 2011 · Behind The Scenes

Campaign Profiles: A Few Epic Journeys

Several campaign owners this week are using IndieGoGo to start off on some epic journeys. Check out these campaigns: the most epic win 365 days of livingARK Philip Campbell has been a digital nomad for some time. And he's recently launched a plan for a… read more

January 24, 2011 · Behind The Scenes

Campaign Profiles: 3 Photographers

On IndieGoGo this week, photographers who take immense risks to give us a more accurate look at the world around us. The Middle East Journals of Tom Hurndall Trolley Books is raising funds for the publication of a book of photographs and writings by the… read more