Behind The Scenes

October 17, 2011 · Behind The Scenes

IndieGoGo Idea Lab: Connecting Individuals

Occupy Wall Street is current and in full force.  How did this movement grow from a group of 15 people to many thousands?  It was achieved by connecting the network, mobilizing individuals with a simple message using word of mouth tactics and by adopting a… read more

October 14, 2011 · Behind The Scenes

IndieGoGo Team: Campaign Round Up!

Kat/Content & CommunityFOOD - Tour of PieThis aspiring business owner wants to launch a line of pies and has already found sales accounts, including Emily's Organics! Her campaign is geared towards raising travel funds to venture across the US and research the best pie making techniques… read more

October 10, 2011 · Behind The Scenes

IndieGoGo Idea Lab: The Beginning is the Hardest

The first step to making something happen is to start it.  Take baby steps towards your goal instead of watching from the sidelines. Start your idea, business or invention today to prevent you wishing a year from now that you had started yesterday.   Ambrose Redmoon,… read more

October 7, 2011 · Behind The Scenes

IndieGoGo Team: Campaign Round Up!

Danae/Founder & COO Theme: Empowerment Through Sports Gear for Gals in Pakistan Maasai Cricket Warriors New CD by CHAI Town  Eric/Founder & CTOSPORTS – The Wrong Way AroundThese guys are embarking on an independent fundraiser bike ride. They are recording the entirety of the ride… read more

October 5, 2011 · Behind The Scenes

Global Spotlight: Campaigns from Asia

The continent of Asia consists of approximately 3.879 billion people hosting 60% of the worlds’ human population.  Considered the largest continent of the world’s seven some have referred to it as a ‘supercontinent’.  Holding the second largest GDP of all continents after Europe it’s most… read more

September 30, 2011 · Behind The Scenes

IndieGoGo Team: Campaign Round Up!

Danae/Founder & COO FOOD –  Dunwell Donuts  These vegan donut makers are adopting a PBS style approach to perks by charging a premium ($50 for 3 donuts), showing the flexibility of the platform.  Cool perk idea: name a donut!  Erica/Marketing DirectorCOMMUNITY – Dan Friesen Fire… read more

September 26, 2011 · Behind The Scenes

IndieGoGo Ideas Lab: Making It Happen

Who says you can’t crowdfund?  Any idea, passion or vision can be realized on our platform, all it takes is the simple action of making today the day to start it. Renowned Marketer and published Author, Seth Godin, outlines 20 ways that ideas rise to… read more

September 23, 2011 · Behind The Scenes

IndieGoGo Team: Campaign Round Up!

  Danae/Founder & COODESIGN – Lovecraftian Letters Talk about niche.  Magnetic fridge word series product using the poetry of Howard Phillip Lovecraft – the radical 20th century master of weird fiction, who died in 1937. Eric/Founder & CTOSMALL BUSINESS – La Casa Azul BookstoreThis was sent to… read more

September 20, 2011 · Behind The Scenes

Campaign Profiles: Covering Medical Expenses

More than 50 million Americans do not have health insurance, and even if their family is fortunate enough to have “good” health insurance, serious illnesses often require out of pocket expenses that can become staggering. Medical costs cause more than 60 percent of all personal… read more