Behind The Scenes

November 11, 2011 · Behind The Scenes

IndieGoGo Team: Campaign Round Up!

Caitlin/Director of OperationsFILM – They Call Me JackThis film tells the story of an intersex writer struggling with the angst of a series of unrequited loves. Come watch the film intro on IndieGoGo and have your heartstrings tugged! Danae/Founder & COOSMALL BUSINESS – The Can… read more

November 4, 2011 · Behind The Scenes

IndieGoGo Team: Campaign Round Up!

Caitlin/Director of OperationsPHOTOGRAPHY – The Color of FoodI love seeing people who, driven by their own passion, work to make the world better for others.  Food sustainability is such a relevant topic for our times, all voices should be represented in the dialogue. Catherine/Customer HappinessSMALL… read more

October 28, 2011 · Behind The Scenes

IndieGoGo Team: Campaign Round Up!

David/Lead DeveloperCOMIC – Sails of BloodIt's pirates, vampires, and zombies in a comic book.  What could be more awesome? Erica/Marketing DirectorENVIRONMENT – Rebuilding MonterossoWhen I graduated from college, my friend and I spent some time in the Cinque Terre.  It was a highlight for me… read more

October 21, 2011 · Behind The Scenes

IndieGoGo Team: Campaign Round Up!

Danae/Founder & COOFILM – SALAAM DUNK Because basketball changed my life, and gave the confidence to be somebody, so too should every girl in the world have the opportunity to play basketball.  Check out these Iraqi gals hoopin it up! Kat/Content & CommunityCOMMUNITY – Projective Space… read more

October 18, 2011 · Behind The Scenes

Global Spotlight: Campaigns from England

British creativity has spawned design, fashion, music, art, television and film, winning the world over with countless signature names over hundreds of years.  Before the recent recession, in 2007 the UK’s creative sector was growing twice as fast as the economy, at that time equal… read more